Bad Moon Rising

These last few months have been really odd, even surreal to live through. With majority of people conforming to the idea of an invisible enemy, going out in the public was an experience unmatched by anything I could have imagined. Being honest, I have to admit that it is very likely I would have been blind or ignorant to the actual state of matters myself ten or so years ago. Everything we are experiencing in this turbulent era, marked by the Covid terminology, is here with a reason. Nothing is coincidental when it comes to changing the principles of societal behaviour and traditions, as the possible change in power and thus possesion of this materialistic world such change implies, is not left to public’s choice or eventuality. This is a caveat I want to put forward as it is abolutely crucial to ackonwledge a very old line of power-addicted families, who took control of the globe by brute force, wars, lies and manipulations ages ago, and who are not willing to let anything disrupt their hegemony at the top of the power and ownership pyramid. Inheritance of power over this world was never left to be decided or chosen by unpredictive masses and their demand for fairness and transparency. If you believe it is actually so, then the following text will make no sense to you – the implications of acknowledging our overlords and their motives for continuing millenia-long undisrupted hegemony and our serfdom are just unthinkable for a righteous, but also naive common person.

As I was emerged in creative work, months went by when I was not paying any attention to the propaganda spewed out by mainsteream media. As much as I find it disturbing and disgusting, it is in their news and mouthpieces’ articles where one can get a hint about what they are up to. I wrote two posts during this time and was dealing only with the narrative of computer-modeled virus forced into reality by propaganda while based on fallacious science, vivid imagination, assumptions and bad logic. Even though I anticipated some nefarious plan behind the fake virus narrative, I was never able to imagine what I finally understood to be a true agenda. So what is this all about then, you might wonder? In essence, it is about…

The great reset

The Great Reset is a massively funded, desperately ambitious, internationally coordinated project led by some of the biggest multinational corporations and financial institutions on the planet. An idea devised and put in motion by 0.0001% of people, who honestly believe this world and society need somekind of transhuman reset. You might also be wondering what are we resetting from / to as this new firmware is desperately trying to upload itself by another tsunami of mainstreamed propaganda.

In my opinion, one of the most obvious reasons for pushed reset is the infinite expansion economic model reaching its limits and going bust, a fact admitted even by themselves. However, the super wealthy apparently want to continue staying super wealthy and have no intention of abandoning their position at the top of the world. Nature’s resources found on Earth are definitely limited in their absolute quantity thus excluding an idea of infinite extraction and wealth accumulation. But this is not their understanding of limited resources, you see. Since they took possesion of these resources by either brute force or privatization, it is their limited resources and not Nature’s (or inherently everybody’s) limited resources that are eventually being exhausted. There may not be 7 billion people inhabiting Earth, but there are de facto a lot of us and we all want a small piece of a particular limited resource (cars, microwaves, bicycles, cooking pots, microchips,etc). In the long run it puts resource miners/owners out of business and eventually this diminishes their position of power. Also, we have to consider that technological advancement (i.e. airplanes) made the world much smaller to handle and people not belonging to the overlord families started immitating big players and accumulating wealth, thus eventually endagering current ruling hegemony. Combined, this could explain why they would have a motivation to devise a great reset – a masterplan that can help install a system for precise asset management of their limited resources, while excluding the possibility of disrupting the ruling hierarchy, under a guise of great love for humanity and philantropic terminology such as solidarity, fairness, etc.. While they will be busy working on a miracle, another bubble creating wealth out of thin air and consolidating wealth at the top of financial pyramid will take care of potential competitors, eliminating them as eventual owners of excessive wealth and thus from endangering the existing power distribution.

Such reinvention of societal organization in question is devised in order to transform all levels of society on a global scale: the State, meaning of a nation, its local government, international relations, finance, medicine, food, finance, enterpreneurship, jobs, urban planning, real estate, law enforcement and most importantly – the way we humans interact. The latter starts with redifining our perception of ourselves and humanity in general; our relationship with the Nature and our loved ones. Also, our request and understanding of privacy needs to be updated and synchronised with the collective new “we”— as you read this, their propaganda is in the highest gear, pushing the narrative how privacy is actually an outlived concept especially when it comes to saving the world from coughing and sneezing too much—and that we simply cannot move forward to the bright future if reckless people keep believing in their sacrosanct privacy.

The World Economic Forum (WEF) established and led by one Klaus Schwab devised through their Strategic Intelligence platform Great Reset. It is a surreal plan, which can be categorised into two parts. Below are listed the seven leading objectives to be met while the reset is in progress. In no particular order these are:

  • Shaping the Economic Recovery
  • Harnessing the Fourth Industrial Revolution
  • Strengthening Regional Development
  • Revitalizing Global Cooperation
  • Developing Sustainable Business Models
  • Restoring the Health of the Environment
    Redesigning Social Contracts, Skills and Jobs

Then there is a mix of global issues and industries accompanying “Great Reset” agenda. Apparently, there are over fifty areas which are in the focus of “Great Reset”. These include:

Blockchain; Digital Identity; Internet Governance; Development Finance; Sustainable Development; Future of Health and Healthcare; Global Governance; Financial and Monetary Systems; Public Finance and Social Protection; Climate Change; Drones; 5G; The Ocean; Banking and Capital Markets; Aviation, Travel and Tourism; International Trade and Investment; Covid-19; Biodiversity; Cities and Urbanization; Leadership in the 4IR; Geo-economics; Global Health; International Security; Geopolitics; Future of Food; Air Pollution; 3D Printing; Batteries; Circular Economy; Future of Mobility; Human Rights; Gender Parity; Taxation; Future of Media, Entertainment and Culture; Digital Economy and New Value Creation; Fourth Industrial Revolution; Future of Economic Progress; Workforce and Employment; Agile Governance; Global Risks; Advanced Manufacturing and Production; Environment and Natural Resource Security; Plastics and the Environment; Corporate Governance; Forests; Justice and Law; Civic Participation; LGBTI Inclusion; Inclusive Design; Future of Computing; Artificial Intelligence and Robotics; Systemic Racism.

The founder and executive chairman of the institution called WEF, Klaus Schwab, and the IMF managing director, Kristalina Georgieva, are two of the most prominent voices of resetters. WEF and its mouthpiece Schwab have identified “Great Reset” as the miracle, that can bind all these above areas of concern together in order to transform current economic and societal into a “New World Order”. That is, the fourth industrial revolution, also known as 4IR, which is by mere coincidence the exact subject and title of Schwab’s latest book. I would encourage everybody to at least try reading some of it as we may have a unique opportunity to glimpse into the brain of a human-hating psychopath, the perfect example of a delusional mind. Short summary of it is along these lines : the state is abused to protect and advance the interests of the wealthy elite, while humans are secondary participants in a massive commercial enterprise, tagged as assets. Everyone lives in and operates out of isolation, connected to the Internet of Things, where people are under 24/7 surveillance, which in turn shapes our behaviour.Technological devices of one sort or another will be implanted into us (new age vaccines as a delivery method?). Relentless propaganda and narrative-creation are used to advance this agenda, which in essence represents an end to natural human life and communities as we know them.

Establishing trust in the data and algorithms used to make decisions will be vital,” insists Schwab. “Citizen concerns over privacy and establishing accountability in business and legal structures will require adjustments in thinking”. Just preposterous.

A whole section of this book is devoted to the theme “Altering the Human Being”. Here he drools over “the ability of new technologies to literally become part of us” and invokes a cyborg future involving “curious mixes of digital-and-analog life that will redefine our very natures”. He writes: “These technologies will operate within our own biology and change how we interface with the world. They are capable of crossing the boundaries of body and mind, enhancing our physical abilities, and even having a lasting impact on life itself “.

For Schwab, the reluctance of the majority of humankind to leap aboard his 4IR circus reflects the tragedy that “the world lacks a consistent, positive and common narrative that outlines the opportunities and challenges of the fourth industrial revolution, a narrative that is essential if we are to empower a diverse set of individuals and communities and avoid a popular backlash against the fundamental changes under way”.

Schwab suggests the role of the state is to advance capitalist aims, not to hold them up to any form of scrutiny. While he is all in favour of the state’s role in enabling a corporate take-over of our lives, he is less keen about its regulatory function, which might slow down the inflow of profit into private hands, and so he envisages “the development of ecosystems of private regulators, competing in markets”.

Schwab and other stooges went further shortly after the Great Reset was launched. As many already know – using crisis as a lever to enforce a major economic and societal change – is ages old strategy of our philantropic overlords. According to Schwab, “acute crises favour introspection and foster the potential for transformation“. The Prince of Wales, who fully endorses the Great Reset, said something similar in that “unprecedented shockwaves of crisis may make people more receptive to bigger visions of change“.

One of the loudest mouthpieces leading proponents of resetting our world was IMF managing director, Kristalina Georgieva. As the Great Reset agenda started rising its fascist head, Georgieva declared it is “of paramount importance“, that a future return to economic growth must encompass a “greener, smarter and fairer world“. There is no need to wait, she said. The world must act now. And I second her opinion to act now – how about screw you and your great freaking reset?

Our self-proclaimed overlords, who delusionally perceive themselves as some kind of global leaders we ought to listen to and follow as their fascist plan is rolling out – under the guise of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and other philantropic terminology – have been promoting this form of fascism since the end of 2015. Now a crisis of sufficient magnitude and global proportions offered a pathway to reach the goals of the global elite. Did this happen by coincidence or by design? Does the fact, that WEF was part of a pandemic simulation exercise a few months before the world entered into a live pandemic, represent an incontrovertible evidence of what some of us are now referring to as a “plandemic”? I certainly believe so.

Do not let them spin your brain, watch their moves closely as if you were at a magician show. You have to be consciously and constantly aware, that you are facing a magician trying to fool your senses into believing some magic forces exist which can explain his trickery. When Schwab, Georgieva, Prince of Darkness Wales or Malleret talk about Covid-19 leaving its imprint on the world, the truth of the matter is that it is the measures imposed in the name of fake Covid-19 that have caused widespread economic destruction, not the virus itself. Even if this virus was proven as a scientific fact – which was never done until this very moment – it only served as a push towards the brave new world by deploying planned strategy dubbed Great Reset, as devised by the 0.0001% and led by Schwab, WEF, WHO, and (y)our local government and media as accomplices.

What is going on right now everywhere is a great crime against humanity. People in charge of economic destruction and responsible for victimizing the entire humanity need to be brought to justice, tried and sentenced accordingly. In local terms, each and every nation ought to revoke the citizenship of the guilty individuals and expatriate them to….wherever they will accept them. Say no to their plans and do not play along in any way. Reject their ideas by acting human and do not abandon empathy, traditions and individuality just because some old, ultra rich, delusional groupies said you should. Tell them to go screw themselves with their fascist vision of future. And tell them you will not stop until this mess is cleared up and until every last one of them is outed!

11 thoughts on “Bad Moon Rising

  1. I have been following this very closely for the past month or so when I first learned of it and sent a warning to all my family that this is what the elites had in store for us. Klaus Schwab has been likened to Dr. Strangelove and it’s an apt description. He is getting torn a new one all over youtube and/or blogs. He really is sleazy and diabolical, and when I listen to him speak, shivers go up and down my spine, and my hair stands on end. I am going to cut off my ears Van Gogh style if I have to hear the words “reset”, “reimagine” or “4th Industrial Revolution” one more time not only used by WEF, but by the Rockefeller Foundation and leaders such as Trudeau of Canada.

    I am so sick of these monsters but here’s the good news….they motivate me to hold and hug my friends and family even tighter and REBEL against the cold, sterile, friendless, heartless world they re-imagine for us. I will have nothing to do with it. I talk about what it means to be human in my own humble way and how a little disabled boy who knew nothing of social distancing or commands to not touch came across my path one day:
    This is my way of fighting back and shoving their great reset up into a place where the sun don’t shine.

    If anyone thinks that what Vexman writes about is some wild imagining, the WEF posted a story on their own website for all to see titled “It’s 2030 and I own nothing and have never been happier.” Happily there was pushback, and I thought the article was taken down but the title has simply changed:
    It’s a “lovely” world they imagine for us where we “have no real privacy. No where I can go and not be registered. I know that, somewhere, everything I do, think and dream of is recorded. I just hope that nobody will use it against me.”

    Schwab is also endorsing and glorifying implantable chips just as that creep Elon Musk does.

    Nature has the last say and my nightly lament and plea to heaven is to deal with these monsters and “thrust into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls”. I’m not going to rule out appeals to our Creator and St. Michael the Archangel. At this point I am willing to try anything. If you don’t personally believe in prayer, I understand, but at this point I feel I have nothing to lose and possibly everything to gain. I am at my wits end.

    Brilliant article Vexman,

    Susan Grace

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Excellent Susan – the logic of Blaise Pascal is a great place to start one’s journey, though from the clues you sow in your comment, I suspect you’re a little further on your Catholic journey than that?!


  2. Thanks, Vexman. Well said, and said with appropriate emotions.

    The Great Reset, the planned great chattel redistribution. You’re right, too many of the slaves and cattle are getting too much of “their” stuff, and order must be restored for the health of the empire. Privacy is not good for a society that must be controlled by the wise ones, those brilliant minds that will keep us from being overrun by the hundreds of savage zoonotic pathogens always lurking on the outskirts of our sustainable smart cities.

    Watch the show, it’s only a minute plus one half. It’s the happy face of World Economic Forum WHO Anthony Fauci Billy Boy and the Rockies showing just how good it all can be for us all….. ””….and please take note that “scientists will have worked out how to keep you healthy in space!!” And we’ll be happy…even though “a billion people will be displaced by climate change”, so “we’ll have to do a better job at welcoming and integrating refugees.” And of course, “checks and balances that underpin our democracies must not be forgotten”, like, you know, those checks and balances we’ve always enjoyed as we’ve turned the international banking system into a genuine servant of the people. And, thank god, “you’ll eat much less meat.”


  3. EU is pushing now for a UBI (universal basic income); actually it is presented as a grassroots movement agenda – Unconditional Basic Income Europe (UBIE) – but you can be sure it is all Bankers wet dream ‘unconditional’ agenda.

    What if ?… story…or Archy of All (not just Family-Banking-Intelligence LLC) and Freedom for Everyone…

    For a while now I am toying with an idea that ties to the fact that current economic model is like a Monopoly game. Few (or only one) win the game and all others loose. Since I’ve only recognized this fact – not trying to correct it, as if it is a product of societal development – I will now try to develop a simple adaptation idea for the future of world economics.
    World of free market that would be as fruitful for the people as could be. And would recognize all the effort and sacrifice of previous generations. Lets reset the “game” then. Lets evaluate all that mankind (infrastructure, hardware and knowledge) has accumulated so far. How much is its global worth? Could everyone who is alive right now be a millionaire (in whichever currency)?
    Lets say we live 100 years and a year has 10 months. That is 1000 months in one’s life. If every person at birth is to be given a million (a new million is created by birth of a new child), he/she would have 1000 units of that currency per month to spend until death. At death that million would be taken out from circulation (individualized money that has your number on it).
    Question arises: Is this reset good for individual? Those without land would have to buy food. But now farmers could be in position of independent price forming (getting paid properly for their labor). And with extra money they could directly finance robotics developers that would crate robots that benefit farmers directly (not BostonDynamics “hyenas”). And so would those robot developers earn extra money for food and leisure … and … the cycle begins.
    … Those who work manually and/or with their brains would accumulate money that could then be invested into new projects of their choosing or leisure. And those who don’t work and have no innovative ideas would loose money. If you invest wisely, disperse in many benefiting inventions (and not spend all on food, housing and clothes) you get rewarded with influx from products that were developed and sold as result of your investments.
    But remember: whatever you do with your money, wherever that million ends in those 100 years, all your money will be erased after you die. So there is no danger of inflation, there are no central banks needed, there are no banks at all, since there is no interests possible, there are no money lenders, there is no ministry of finances, that regulates currency flows and no taxation from the state, since there is no money related bureaucracy. People invest in what they consider worth or necessary investing, in amounts they judge appropriate individually.
    And this “monopoly game” has its objective that is different from to-days economic farce: Aim is not to win by grabbing all the money (few or only one winner) and thus ending the game , but to play the game as long as you can (game never ends) while intellectually and emotionally enjoying it.
    Of course this idea is “just plainly ridiculous” at first glance. And at second. But what if…?

    There couldn’t be more and more currency in circulation. And no arbitrary printing of money by/for most powerful actors. There would be as many millions as there are living people. Once I’ve died, all the currency with “my name on it” (my serial number) becomes worthless and is taken out of circulation.
    Essentially one would start with a million, gradually releasing it into circulation and died taking one’s million out completely. And since, during individual’s life time, his/hers money has been dispersed, those holding small amounts of that money at the time of death wouldn’t “suffer” much of a loss.
    Individual would be encouraged, from the start, not to overindulge (1000 point per month doesn’t make you infinitely rich) and to live by the motto of creating new quality that benefits all (action that attracts outside investment). Also there would be no need for the State to exist in such a megalomaniac form of bureaucratic regulatory capacity (with standing armies and Intelligence apparatus) that few individuals would be willing to support.
    And problem with intellectual property would fall away also, if there would be none. All access to knowledge would be open. When you create new code for worker robots to operate better, you get paid by investors/investments and later by sales. One time operation, without any long turn royalties. If someone is prepared to use your realized idea and works on its further development, that someone gets financially rewarded (new investment) for that particular improvement or work on replicating a product (sales) and has no extra protection. Development would be driven by real needs of people (investors and/or buyers) and all needles product would be financially discouraged (no consumerism mentality).
    People would be initially forced to invest into sectors that satisfy their basic needs and make them more price efficient (food, housing, clothes…) and only then would invest in the indulging lifestyles. By giving everyone a million at the start of their life would ensure fair play starting position for everyone and destroy any need for vertical social mobility and horizontal exclusivity cartel associations.
    Maybe one additional feature of such individualized currency (“million with your number on it”) would be possibility of tracking the future use and movement of money you’ve spent. To see what your money is doing out in the real world is very “regulatory” on its own.
    As I’ve said, a very bizarre idea on the first glance and second, ….but what if…?

    If there are to be 10 billion people on the Earth by 2050s (watch any of Hans Roslings presentation of world statistic), then all the currency in circulation would amount to 10 quadrillion. That amount would be more or less constant, since the global population’s exponential growth of 18th-20th centuries has already essentially leveled at future constant number of 10 billion people living on the planet. A million more ore less wouldn’t change anything.
    What really creates inflation are the Central banks creating new money by new loans (private and to governments) in amounts of new trillions. And interests on that money lent. And all the financial derivatives and future gambling financial investments. That all would be gone. Together with stocks. Money/currency would be the only “stock”.
    John Doe’s million would be created only by his birth, no other reason for creating money would be allowed. So, if the population will have leveled at 10 billion people around 2050, then amount of money in circulation should be relatively constant.
    And then … the question for every individual to answer awaits:
    What kind of a world do you want to live in? What will you do to realize that future?
    After asking those questions, it is your individual “free choice to develop” that future with your money’s influence. Money as a future creating tool, a tool that is today reserved only for the “chosen” ones (rich monopolists), who regularly reset the (Monopoly game) system by creating financial crises and property/resources acquisition.
    Oh, if you are wondering what would become of today’s billionaires and trillionaires, Earl John Doe the III`s? …Well…they would still have a million of their own after the reset, just like all the others.

    This is my what if…EVERY MILLIONAIRE? story. If it doesn’t resonate with you, please, move on to others. Or add to it.
    P.S .: People who cherish freedom should run away from UBI – universal basic income – that is tied to your social credit score (“value”) and is meant to enslave you permanently and fully. If money is to be given (must be printed) for free to everyone, than it should come in one big chunk and not as monthly allowances.


    1. Hi Koco, I do find your idea or theory that seeks to install fair-play by design very interesting. It could possibly work if somehow human values were altered along with such change, matching the societal implications of it. Hoarding would be senseless and maybe this fact alone could remove greed, which is only amplified in the current Monopoly game. In fact, capitalism is driven by greed as greed creates a pathway to more hoarded value, which implies more power and more influence to hoard even more value. The viscious circle is propelled by desire of lower ranking hoarders to reach the upper level of hoarders – since societal status is seen as an important aspect of Self or Ego and measured by ownership, wealth and abbility to immitate higher ranking “capitalistic sharks”, and by following this pattern we’re doomed to accept and cherish values that are detrimental to humanity and solidarity without realizing it.

      Since your idea doesn’t allow one to create position of power that stems from over-hoarding value in time, I’d suggest people’s understanding of hoarding would change – in time. Hoarding would be seen as a thing of the past, with solidarity and progress of the entire community driving humans to interact and participate in the economy.
      Your idea has one downside I could think of, where an organised group of i.e. 10% of all people could buy and hoard all food items and extort everybody else from the position of power. There should be some kind of systemic instruments in place, that would disable hoarding of essentials (food, water, land) beyond some agreed value/point.

      As well, those inventions you mention should not enable income of investments in such system – inventions have foundations in previously accumulated knowledge, which is accessible to everybody and is supposed to be used for the benefit of improving quality of living/life for everybody. Such progress in science should not be driven by the possibility of improving one’s “credit” or “currency” level, but with desire to help yourself and society in general to progress. The award is abstract in regard to its perceived value – feeling of satisfaction and importance within one’s community, and similar. Maybe, just maybe, the smartest guys would get to choose the prettiest girls (and vice versa), which would be attracted to IQ instead of wealth. Sounds utopic, I know 🙂

      Having said all that, what if there was no currency at all and people would engage in trade just for the purpose of exchanging and distribution of food as the only neccessity not found in abundance ? If we’d manage to put technology to do the hardwork for us in the agriculture, only miniscule percentage of people are needed to feed the entire population. With water, air and land found in abundance and accessible to everybody (and some other essentials like wood, stone, clay, etc), there is no real, factual need driving production and trade of/in anything else – except for one’s desire to improve the comfort of living. Comfort is not exactly an essential, right? If everybody had food, water, shelter and some land accessible to live decently, there would be no motive for disputes and wars. In the big picture, all of it comes from understanding that value (as materialistic term) is an abstract item that we, humans, invented and accepted as something real. For instance, what’s a scientific argument for choosing gold as anything valuable? Or diamonds, or silver, oil, metal ore, etc? It all falls apart if you think about it, as the real essentials for humans are air, water, food and land. Everything else is our perception and perception is learned, so we do have a pathway to adopt our understanding of what is the real value.


  4. Although I like the ideas brought forth above, it would be difficult to claw the resource access from the greedy paws of the trillionaire families that have spent over a thousand years consolidating their control of it. Much has been said/written about free markets and capitalism but that is not my area of expertise. That being said it is apparent to me that Crony Capitalism(tm) is more the norm than the exception. Large PolyCorporations are given special treatment, while small and medium business is currently being decimated. Covid is being used to accellerate this economic destruction, with the desired result being NeoFeudalism. The ideas stated by the author (V), namely that the infinte expansion model is about to shit the bed makes alot of sense. Given that the Bretton Woods framework is up for upgrade/renewal, and most profit margins are based on Waste, it makes evil sense to do a Controlled Financial Demolition. When the masses are begging for relief, they will be ready for just about anything! The notion of a technocratic utopia being rolled out for the benefit of the Great Unwashed is right up the with the Easter Bunny and the moon landing.

    I'm sensing quite alot of pushback across the globe but thanks to near total media domination it is not being widely reported, and if it is then it's blackwashed as some sort of dissident behavior. It's quite telling that even 5% deviation from the dominant narrative is intolerable. Certainly people are going along to get along. Wearing a mask because that is the expectation is one thing, while getting injected with an experimental mRNA driven vaccine is quite another. Thus the millions being pumped into "vaccine hesitancy" campaigns. Never mind that Scientism(tm) is the new faith based sociological template for mass behavioral engineering. The key indicators I hear nowadays are 'Trust the Science' and 'Have faith and believe in.....'. Seriously, when has this ever been a tenet of the scientific method?!

    In short anything can be trotted out, peer reviewed of not and all doubt can be erased with the expression “Because….SCIENCE”

    It is however refreshing that even the less gifted are able to tease apart the predictive programming being trotted out by likes of Klaus and his cohorts and feast on the not so hidden meanings therein. 

    “So you want to fuse the power of the Corporation and the State?!”
    “Wait, what does that remind me of…oooooh riiight, that book by Benito Mussolini!”
    Even the dullest tools in the shed scratch their heads when confronted with the suggestion that they waive entirely their right to own ANYTHING ever again. Sure the notion of debt forgiveness and free stuff is swell, but really where does that leave ya? On the Animal Farm that’s where.

    I limit my “typing time” on the interwebz for various reasons and I have never commented here. Due to the spirited conversations here and the fact that the site author is a musican, I figured ‘why not’?


  5. (Repost due to formatting issues above)
    Although I like the ideas brought forth above, it would be difficult to claw the resource access from the greedy paws of the trillionaire families that have spent over a thousand years consolidating their control of it. Much has been said/written about free markets and capitalism but that is not my area of expertise. That being said it is apparent to me that Crony Capitalism(tm) is more the norm than the exception. Large PolyCorporations are given special treatment, while small and medium business is currently being decimated. Covid is being used to accellerate this economic destruction, with the desired result being NeoFeudalism. The ideas stated by the author (V), namely that the infinte expansion model is about to shit the bed makes alot of sense. Given that the Bretton Woods framework is up for upgrade/renewal, and most profit margins are based on Waste, it makes evil sense to do a Controlled Financial Demolition. When the masses are begging for relief, they will be ready for just about anything! The notion of a technocratic utopia being rolled out for the benefit of the Great Unwashed is right up the with the Easter Bunny and the moon landing.
    I’m sensing quite alot of pushback across the globe but thanks to near total media domination it is not being widely reported, and if it is then it’s blackwashed as some sort of dissident behavior. It’s quite telling that even 5% deviation from the dominant narrative is intolerable. Certainly people are going along to get along. Wearing a mask because that is the expectation is one thing, while getting injected with an experimental mRNA driven vaccine is quite another. Thus the millions being pumped into “vaccine hesitancy” campaigns. Never mind that Scientism(tm) is the new faith based sociological template for mass behavioral engineering. The key indicators I hear nowadays are ‘Trust the Science’ and ‘Have faith and believe in…..’. Seriously, when has this ever been a tenet of the scientific method?!
    In short anything can be trotted out, peer reviewed of not and all doubt can be erased with the expression “Because….SCIENCE”
    It is however refreshing that even the less gifted are able to tease apart the predictive programming being trotted out by likes of Klaus and his cohorts and feast on the not so hidden meanings therein.
    “So you want to fuse the power of the Corporation and the State?!”
    “Wait, what does that remind me of…oooooh riiight, that book by Benito Mussolini!”
    Even the dullest tools in the shed scratch their heads when confronted with the suggestion that they waive entirely their right to own ANYTHING ever again. Sure the notion of debt forgiveness and free stuff is swell, but really where does that leave ya? On the Animal Farm that’s where.
    I limit my “typing time” on the interwebz for various reasons and I have never commented here. Due to the spirited conversations here and the fact that the site author is a musican, I figured ‘why not’?

    Liked by 1 person

  6. This one here

    *10 on the list

    Create massive unemployment and cause hundreds of thousands of destitute people to resort to drugs and alcohol leading to their untimely deaths and a win win for the globalist

    Using weather warfare on the entire planet Katrina Harvey and others

    Land theft and the migration of the people off the land

    All done under the guise of Climate Change
    See the Chicago Climate Stock Exchange

    See AGWN on you tube for weather warfare updates as they spray the skies with chemicals to kill the crops, steer the weather and dessimate entire towns to get the people off the land as per their UN agenda

    UN plan from 1941 that follows the biblical plan to a T folks

    So much more out there but this should be plenty and more than enough proof that this is not God by any stretch of the imagination
    This is intentional genocide of entire nations and if you look at that UN map above the US military has been carrying out those genocides


  7. Never posted before so I just need to know it works before I write up a long comment. Excuse, if I have a double entry. Great views.


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